Discovering Potential: Achieving Success

Fostering Blog

Fostering in Wakefield at Christmas

We have come up with some achievable advice to help foster carers provide the best Christmas they can for their foster children.

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How do I become a foster carer?

Taking the step to become a foster parent is a major commitment that needs to be handled properly. You may have all the information required to make an informed decision, but what next?

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Blog on Fostering in West Yorkshire

West Yorkshire has a huge range of attractions for adults and children alike. The region offers vibrant cities, a rich heritage and glorious countryside which is renowned throughout the UK and overseas. 

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Foster carer shares her thoughts

Lesley has recently been approved as a new foster carer for Fostering to Inspire. Read her thoughts on making the decision to foster and what she is looking forward to. If you are thinking about fostering why not take the first step like Lesley, and let Fostering to Inspire help you along the way.

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Embrace ethnicity and diversity

In August 2017, The Times newspaper printed a sensationalised article about a young Christian child being 'forcibly' placed with Muslim foster carers.  This article has since been rightly discredited by an independent inquiry which highlighted the value of Muslim foster carers and the care and commitment that was shown to the 5-year old child placed in their care.

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Providing the perfect fostering Christmas

What is a perfect Christmas?  What does Christmas mean to you?  It means so many different things to so many people and looked after children are no different.  Just think back to your own childhood and remember the special, quirky things that made Christmas so special...

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We need help!

It was worrying to read in the news this week that ‘Over a quarter of adoptive families in crisis’ (, but it was also heartening to read that most of the adoptive families surveyed said they were glad they had adopted.


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Could I become a foster carer?

As a social worker, I have worked in fostering for the past 8 years and have recruited many foster carers.  You may think there is a specific person who can foster, but I can honestly say foster carers come from all walks of life.


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Fostering to Inspire launches new website

Welcome to the new Fostering to Inspire website.

Having launched in mid-June 2017, it is our desire that our new site will become the ‘go to’ destination for anyone in the North of England already on a fostering journey or looking to begin their fostering career.


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